Boards are useful for sharing a collection of related stories. You can use them to create anything from public release notes to customized advice for a specific customer.
You can create multiple boards for different audiences. Stories can appear on multiple boards, making them a flexible way to curate and share story content.
Within a board, you can create sections to further organize stories. You can change the name of a section, and add stories to it. A story can only be part of one section on the board at a time.
Public and private board settings
All boards are private to your workspace by default. This means any teammates logged into your workspace can also see the boards you've created.
If you want to share the content with outside folks like customers or prospects, enable "Anyone with the link can view..." under the Share menu in the top right.
When a board is public, a banner will appear across the top of the page. You will also see this icon listed next to any public board in your workspace.
To share a specific story instead, you have a few more options including embedding or downloading the video file. Learn more about sharing Rally video recordings in this guide.